&yis77 baa hane'7gi nin7[keed

Website woly4h7g77 .gov bee daw0j7h
.gov bee w0j7igo website w11shindoon bi[ da'7n77shj7 bi[ nida'anish k4yah ashdladiin sinil7g77 United States biyi'

Website .gov bee daw0j7h7g77 HTTPS woly4ego chodayoo['9
Bi[ dah n1'1t'1h7 naashch'22'7g77 … 47 doodago https bik11'go 47 .gov websitej8' t'11 47d7g77 haalkidgo 00ly4. Hane' baa hasti'7go hane'7g77 website baa 1h1y3n7g77 t'47y1 biyi' hane' 1l'9.

The 2024 presidential primary elections take place in all 50 states and territories to select candidates who will represent political parties in the general presidential election. Check upcoming dates and deadlines for your state and political party<Bilag1ana k'ehj7>.

Ha'did77l77[ i'ii'n77[ biniiy4 Connecticut

E'et'11d haayit'4ego b1 hazh'dii['88h

E'et'11d b1 ha'diln4h7g77 bee e'e'aah g0ne'

  • B44sh [ich7'ii bee ha'd7l44hgo koj8' b1 ah00t'i': I'ii'n77[ Bij9j8' t'ahdoo Tseeb77ts'11dah yi[kaah7
  • Naaltsoos nin1h1jeehd00 ha'd7l44hgo koj8' b1 ah00t'i': I'ii'n77[ Bij9j8' t'ahdoo Tseeb77ts'11dah yi[kaah7 naaltsoos nin1h1jeehd00 bi'k'ini'7t'32 doolee[
  • I'ii'n77[ biniiy4 yah ajigh11hgo ha'dilne' bee nihoolzh77sh I'ii'n77[ Bij9j8' b1 ah00t'8' d00 bij9 g0ne'

Hait'1o i'ii'n77[ biniiy4 hazh'dii['88h7g77 han7t1h

I'ii'n77[ biniiy4 ha'dinila1g77 b7na'7d7[kidgo koj8' hod77lnih hahoodzoh bee w0j7h7g77 i'ii'n77[ biwebsitegi <Bilag1ana k'ehj7>

N11n1 [ah 1t'4ego e'et'11d b1 hazh'didool7[7g77

D77 a[d0' b47'd77dl77[ National Voter Registration Form woly4ego PDFj7 1lyaago naaltsoos bilag1ana k'ehj7 d00 d99'ts'1dahgo saad a['22 1daat'4h7g77 dropdown menu woly4ego n7t'i'7g77 biyi' w0yahgo.
